What did Camp meeting mean to me? | Ruth Neff Testimony

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Camp meeting was very eye- opening for me. It brought me to realize where I was at in my life and showed me it was dangerous if I stayed where I was at in my walk with God. I had underestimated that over a short period of time I could become stale in my relationship with God. I had allowed something in my life to stop me from pressing on toward the goal God had for me to reach. While sitting in camp meeting, God brought me to a place where I was uncomfortable with life in “status quo”. I was challenged not to settle for the way things have been or way they “look in the natural”; and regardless whether or not it is “good enough”.

On Thursday night, the fire of God fell as I had never seen before. The air was charged with electricity. I feel God used the week from the beginning to show me things that needed to be dealt with, that I had been pushing aside because I didn’t want to face them. However, at that point a fresh hunger began to grow in me. A desperation to act on my faith, and trust God to help me overcome the battle that I face and not give up.

My walk with God can’t go anywhere if it’s stagnating. I don’t ever want hungering for God to be my hobby, it’s who I am. Pressing on towards the things that God has for me is what my life is all about. To take the life-changing Word and Presence of God to a lost and dying is what makes life worth living. Whatever challenges come my way, I don’t want to ever give the devil access to my life by the choice not to allow God to change me.

Let my heart be open before Him, and may I hold nothing back, so that He can use me to touch others. If I’m not making a difference, then why am I breathing?ssss