Victory Fellowship/New Orleans | Cheryl C Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

First of all, I want to thank my Lord and Savior for rescuing me from the pit and making my life alive again in Him. I also want to thank the Howard Browne family for answering the call of God to come to America. I live one drop away form drunk everyday and my relationship with God has been radically changed forever. I am the church drunk , the town drunk and the household drunk at my home. When we first came to the meetings in Victory Fellowship in New Orleans, it took quite a long time for us to learn to receive but it was a lesson well learned. He is soooo good. I tell ya bro. rodney I love to wake up every day with a praise for my King and give the devil a fresh haert attack and fresh stroke . His presence has brought such an ease in my life and has enabled me to do what He had called me to do! All my friends who learned to drink have forgotton how and think I am a little loony but I don’t care. I have tasted the new wine of heaven and I ain’t backing up, I ain’t backin out and I ain’t apologizing for it. I am going on with God and come hail high water hurricane or hair lip , I am gonna take this country for my King. Thanks for making services available online. I enjoy getting to worship with y’all. God bless y’all and let the river flow!!!!! Obey Your Thirst!!!

Cheryl C
Vidalia Louisiana United States