Rodney Howard Browne | The Blessing of Feeling Inadequate

Many of us say that feelings of inadequacy are enemies to be subdued rather than chums to be employed. In a few cases these emotions can prepare us for our best achievements. It’s what Paul found when he set out to evangelise the Gospel to all creation.

Notwithstanding his great learning and sundry gifts, the apostle recognized that he wasn’t enough of himself to minister for the Lord.

By taking that perspective, he was in a position to step out beyond his very own private boundaries and benefit from mystical power. Many times we fail to take this additional step as we too simply surrender to our deficiencies. We may use our constraints as an excuse for not taking on troublesome assignments. We are saying, “I can not do this,” or “I do not need that responsibility” when faced with God’s call to serve. Know the Lord will not accept such excuses as he has given the Holy Spirit to enfranchise us for any task He allots. If we fail to claim this power, then we run the chance of multiplied failure. First off, we miss the joy, peace, and happiness derived from stepping out in religion to answer God’s “impossible” call and watching His enablement. In addition, our hesitancy may deprive people of the advantages of our service. Although you may not feel that you have got a load to give, but never undervalue the impact of one person who has learned how to rely on the adequacy of Almighty God.